Presidential Candidate Charles Henry Baker Radio Interview, Tuesday, August 17, 8am
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Charles Henry Baker Radio Interview On Bonjour Haiti
They say "If at first you don't succeed... try again..."
Charlito Baker is trying again... He is running for President.
Related links:
- Read 1030 Comments about Charles Henry Baker from the 2005 presidential elections
- POST a comment about baker for president in 2010
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All Comments (38)
I admired your comment about Charles Henry Baker candidacy.
I like him a lot. Last Presidential Election of 2005, I wrote many articles about 2005 elections.
There is absolutely no conspiracy going on in Haiti between mulattoes and whites.
Mulattoes gave you a country.
Mulattoes were the first group who came with the idea to liberate Haiti.
Ithink haiti needs an independant president right now, and I believe that, charles henry baker is the right man for the job.If he elected as president i believe without dought, he will bring:integrity, respect and unity to the haitian people, beside rebuilt haiti and bring foreign investors.
Remember there is a lot of haitian businessmen out there, somewhere who are waiting for changes in their homeland, so they can return to help their people, and rebuild their country
It looks like Charles Henry Baker could be What Haiti needs right now. But Baker got to speak for himself, he needs to let us know what he is all about and what he can do for Haiti.
We are waiting for him to speak up. If he is REAL, we will support him. We need to hear from him personally as a running candidate.
Amen, brother you got that right! I wish more people believe the way you do. I will email my kids to your blog so that they can see how true successful people
i agree with your comment 10% because, i dont think mulatto is the problem, we the negro are the problem, me as a blakc man, i think it is my responsability to create my own thing, if you see the mulato is haiti is rich i think is because of the way they dicipline their lives and their biz. not for haiti even for the usa, if you dont put dicipline in your family, your biz, your life you are going to find someelse for your faillure, If a blak man is dam enough to let someone fool you to make you poor that's your problem.
y friend or enemy you cannot be Haitian and another nationality at the same time.You should be man or woman enough to accept the implications and consequences of your action.
You cannot have your cake and eat it too. No countries in the world will accept your nonsense.That is why Henry Kissinger, Albert Einstein etc cannot become president in the USA despite their credentials.
Haiti is not for sale.You cannot bring a bag of money to Haiti and expect them to change the laws according to your wishes.
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