Sir, It is come to my attention that there is a list and...

Brian Andrew - September 28 2011, 2:54 PM

Sir, It is come to my attention that there is a list and photos of your "useless people" who were victims of Papa doc. You will find such a list and photos on This list include children, mothers with children who disappear, school children, entire families who disappear, including a four year old and countless of productive farm workers.

It is appalling that you as a Haitian will look-up to such a man or a system that has no regard for people's lives.

As a native son of America, I can't say that our hands are not stain from Haiti's blood bath. We also recognized that we were wrong and that we let Haiti down big time. We recognized mistakes and would never recommend the same pathway again.

I urge you to search for more links concerning Duvaliers atrocities and educate yourself on this topic maybe then you might become a productive member of your society.

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