I beleive now president Martelly is the problem. He ascended...

Ken Morancy - August 6 2011, 4:33 PM

I beleive now president Martelly is the problem.

He ascended to the presidency of Haiti without any academic preparations and polical experiences.

He is ill-prepared, arrogant and talkative.

Haitian people need to realize having good intention is simply not enough.All Haitians want good things for their country.

I am tired of Haitians questioning each other patriotism when they disagree.

Do Haitians really believe our policians failed because they don't love their country.

Everyone LOVES his/her country regardless where they are from and regardless how the country looks.

President Martelly needs to get off his pompous talkative high horse and start building a political bridge with the other side. Anything less than that will be furtile.

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