Kandjo, you wasted your time just for this? Kandjo, you forgot...

Jean Pierre Alexandre - June 30 2011, 6:10 PM

Kandjo, you wasted your time just for this?

Kandjo, you forgot to say i was a human Guinea pig in a lab research.

Kandjo, you forget to say the syphilis spread to my brain and cause damage to my nervous system, the reaction cause severe uncontrollable behavior.

Kandjo, you forget to say i was deliver true my mother's rectum, alias"asshole" due to severe syphilis deteriorated the vagina, alias "pussy".

For your info, i was born in Cite Simon"Chancerelle",due to the condition of my mother with syphilis engulf her pussy, the doctors did not have enough experience to remove the new born "Jean Pierre Alexandre" from the mother's ass, Agent x was a CNA at the hospital at that time and he refuse to shave my mother's ass before delivery(up to this day i hate Agent x for that, refusing to clean my ass and my bitch mother) he realized i will be a die hard Duvalierist.

So the doctors decided sending a dog to clean my mother first, than, even a pig refused to finish the job that the dog couldn't stayed any longer.

Up to this day i don't like pigs, that is why i hate Aristide, Lavalas.


JeanPierre Alexandre has N stage Syphilis

The reason that Jean Pierre Alexander writing is a compendium of filth and morbid criminal intentions is that he has...

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