Aristide's Return to Haiti Has Come To A Stop!

President Aristide has his passport on hand, he has the desire to return to Haiti, and now, I am reading in the news that the "Return of Aristide to Haiti Appears to Have Stalled..." What is that all about?

O... O... Rete...

Aristide bliye si sa mèt la ki pou ba-l avion? LOL....

Remember that Bob Marley's song
"No Woman No Cry?"

In Aristide's case it's more like
"NO... No Plane... No Fly..."

Let me stop... Back to the news...

The New York Times reports...

"Three weeks after the Haitian government gave a diplomatic passport to Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the country's exiled former president, his planned return appears to have stalled [that means 'has come to a stop!'] amid unresolved security and logistical concerns..."

Unresolved? Yea... Read this...

"...American officials have clearly stated that they oppose efforts to bring him back before Haiti's March 20 runoff election, arguing that Mr. Aristide's presence would create instability..."

Ou komanse konprann?

What is the official response from the Haitian government?

"...This country needs to be rebuilt and that needs to be the priority right now..."

This statement is from the lips of Alice Blanchet, a special advisor to Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive

Ou te bezwen passport...
Yo ba-w passport...
Now fly if you can!
I love politics!

So when is Aristide coming to Haiti?

Huh... L'enquette se poursuit!


Obviously he wants to return now BUT...

Do you think Aristide should be prevented from coming to Haiti UNTIL the election is OVER AND a new president is sworn in?

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Fritzan says...

For the life of me -- born and raised in Haiti -- I cannot understand how my fellow countrymen seem to resign themselves to this surreal situation where Jean-Claude "Baby-doc" Duvalier is comfortably back in Haiti while Jean-Bertrand Aristide is prevented from coming back to his native land.
Am I, are we we, supposed to believe that the man (who said "piti tig se tig") after he succeeded his dictator father, Papa Doc, -- who, as Khadafi in Libya is now doing, had promised "an Himalaya of Haitian corpses" -- is found more morally acceptable in Haitian society than J-B Aristide, the former freely elected, and still very (perhaps too) popular, president?

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Ronald Altieri says...


I am touched by your humility.

Look! I am forced to say that nowhere in my last two messages will you read that i said he should be in Haiti at a particular time.
All i have said is that all Haitians should be able to go back home.
Please understand that aspect of my message, because i clearly understand that nobody would like rain in an outdoor party.

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Ronald says...

I do not understant it.

Some people seem to depart from the subject in hand. I am for love & harmony for all man kind.

We in the diaspora we would like thie and that.

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Ronald Altieri says...

Ronald, The mind of God created the Universe and all its wonders to include the enerby of love, and love will keep God's creation flowing for eternity.

Mankind was created by the mind of God; therefore, a microspic portion of our mind is of godly energy.

Within our mind that energy is rooted in love, unless it was uprooted by the negative energy of satan.

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Ronald says...

Opinions vary.You want to see Jean Bertrand Aristide back in Haiti and shake hands with Jean Claude Duvalier, You want to see Manigat shaking hands with Martely.

all that is beautiful and i second it. But do you realy think HAITI is ready for that big

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Ronald Altieri says...

Aristide has the right and responsibility to come back home like any other Haitian anywhere in the world.

Haiti and its gevernment should be able to deal with any issue that concerns its moving forward in this atmosphere of change.

I want to see Jean-Claude shake hands with Jean-Bertrand, why not?

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Ronald says...

My opinion is this.

whenever this guy goes back to haiti it will be trouble.

There may not be while a new president is in function, but after the mandate is expired.

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Minlifout says...

fe vit fe pere docte aristide rentre pou vin prie ak aide moun yo avek

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Milot says...

ak tout fos nou, nou di fok Docteur Jn B. Aristid tounen na Payi'l.paske Aristid se yon sevo ke peyi a e le mond antie bezwen.

sa avre nou di nou pap pedi'l se pou'l tounen, meci
Tampri fe mesaj sa-a rive kote Aristid pou

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Mitch says...

I thank you for your comments and your appreciation of my earlier post on this subject.

I have committed a grave of omission by not mentioning that I am not a supporter of Aristide.

I did not have a chance to him govern I was out of Haiti for more than 29 years before i did return the first time in 2009. I agree with you about one thing.

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