Senateur Gracia Delva

Haiti Senate Office 2019, meet the members

Haiti Senate Office 2019, meet the members

Here is a photo of the 6 members that constitute the office of the Senate of the Republic of Haiti for the legislative year 2019.

Read the related article to find out who they are.

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Senator Gracia delva Live on the Radio

Senator Gracia delva Live on the Radio

Look at this photo... Haitian singer and Senator Gracia Delva Live on the Radio

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Garcia Delva - Singer, Songwriter, Senator of the Republic of Haiti

Garcia Delva - Singer, Songwriter, Senator of the Republic of Haiti

Here is a photo of the talented Garcia Delva - Singer, Songwriter and Senator of the Republic of Haiti.

Senator Garcia Delva, often callde Gracia Delva, is a two-time Depute of Marchand- Dessaline and Senator of the Artibonite department of Haiti.

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Depute Caleb Desrameaux, Depute (now Senator) Gracia Delva 50eme Legislature

Depute Caleb Desrameaux, Depute (now Senator) Gracia Delva  50eme Legislature

Tabarre Depute Caleb Jhonny Desrameaux, Marchand-Dessalines Depute Gracia Delva (now Senator of the Republic), 50eme Legislature.

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Depute 50eme Legislature Garcia Delva, Francisque Delacruz

Depute 50eme Legislature Garcia Delva, Francisque Delacruz

Depute 50eme Legislature Garcia Delva (Maintenant, il est sénateur de la République), et Francisque Delacruz.

Qui est le député à gauche?

Nous ne savons pas tout!

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