4 opposition Senators sit outside of parliament after they destroyed the Senate

4 opposition Senators sit outside of parliament after they destroyed the Senate

After a destruction session inside the Haitian Senate, all four senators of the opposition sit outside of the parliament building as if nothing happened!

Amazing isn't it?

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After president Martelly assumed office in 2011, he was supposed to hold elections immediately to replace one-third of the Senate seats whose terms expired were to expire in 2012. Those elections were not held and and these Senate seats became vacant in 2012.

Read: Haiti Politics - Understanding why two-thirds of the Senate have to go Monday January 13, 2020

4 opposition senators, Evaliere Beauplan, Nenel Cassy, Ricard Pierre and Antonio Cheramy (Don Kato) wecked the senate Thursday. Senater President Carl Murat Cantave spoke to the media and regrets what these distinguished gentlemen did.

Read: Haiti Senate President Carl Murat Cantave condemns the acts of the 4 opposition senators at the senate

A journalist aske Senator Joseph Lambert: "What do you think about what happened at the senate where all chairs and tables inside the senater were thrown outside?" Lambert replied: "Bon, se des mercenaires parlementaires k ap devlope la a."

Read: Senator Lambert calls 4 opposition Senators "Mercenaires Parlementaires" after what they did at the Senate Thursday

Breaking News... The Senate of the Republic of Haiti has been completely destroyed by a group of 4 Senators of the opposition Thursday Morning, 30 May 2019, in attempt to prevent the ratification session of Prime Minister Jean Michel Lapin and his government

Read: Haiti Opposition Senators Destroy the Senate to prevent Prime Minister Lapin Ratification

Read more about vandalism in the Sentate

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