J.P. Alexandre, Monel (Agent-X) never owned.008 acres much...

Lucien Aurelien - December 14 2011, 7:28 PM

J.P. Alexandre, Monel (Agent-X) never owned .008 acres much less 850 acres.

Agent-X in a joker.

I try very hard not to reply to most people this one got my attention.

Haiti land is precious to us and God blessed you for your work.

Response to:

Monel,It's look like you never been to a real school...


Duvalier caused agriculture disaster, insecurity & slums in Haiti

♦From 1959 to year 2011 Haitian agriculture deteriorated progressively because Duvalier

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Lucien,you are right. Agent-x(Monel)don't even own...

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