"Tropical Nursing Home" (Yves Gagne & a Team of Investors...

Yves Gagne - April 24 2011, 8:30 AM

"Tropical Nursing Home" (Yves Gagne & a Team of Investors + Canadian para-government granting agencies) is a Canadian for Profit Corporation investing $10 Million in a Start-Up Health Project in Cabaret Haiti.

The Project is creating (400 new well renumerated professional jobs...

doctors - nurses - support workers - artisans - neighborhood farmers and more.
The same project will expand in a Second One under:"Cabaret Retirement Village" creating up to 2000 professional well paid jobs.
An investment of: (35 acres of beach land + 100 reserved acres was attributed to the project).

The Canadian Corporation is ready to start the project but, cannot and will not under this FLIP FLOP HAITIAN GOVERNMENT...

(a new elected PRESIDENT under a...

Past CORRUPTED DICTATORIAL OPPOSITION having Votes Decisional Authority.?

What has to be democraticly done...

we refer our question to: The Population of Haiti - Mr. Martelly Legal Team Advisors - International Aid Agencies - Government of USA & Canada.

! DO NOT START ANY PROJECT PRIOR TO SOLVE THIS "haitian magouille" because World Organization will "walk away".

PEOPLE OF HAITI, stand-up once again...CORRUPTION ($$$ & good food)has to be once for all deleted from the actual Government.

We will support you and your new elected President in your Mass Efforts.

Start-Up a Chain of Wireless Communication and advice the people of your Country and the People of the World that "Corruption will not exist anymore in Haiti and PROSECUTE all of decidents...

(jail time before and after trail) they are just fat mosquitos...good for nothing!

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