Back in late September 1991 the Organization of American...

Ronald Altieri - December 29 2010, 11:04 AM

Back in late September 1991 the Organization of American States (OAS) imposed an embargo on Haiti -- economically the poorest nation in the western hemisphere.

This to force the military to step down, and return Aristide to power.

In January 1994, the Clinton Administration with Canada, Venezuela and France were trying to get the U.N. Security Council to impose an airtight trade ban on Haiti to tighten the gas embargo that already has torn Haiti economy, which was no where to start with.

While Cedras was the military ruler, plans were activated by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control to cease assets of almost 600 Haitian officers, and revoked visas for them and family members.

Cedras and Aristide met in Governor's Island under the watchful eye of the OAS, and as a result Cedras ended up with his money in Panama - i believe.

In that same January 1994, officials of Clinton Administration, Venezuela, France and Canada requested that UN Security Council come up with additional sanctions to force the Haitian military to permit Aristide to come back and to the Office of the Presidency that he lost in the 1991 coup.

The UN Security Council at the time was not very happy with the proposal of more santions, because they knew how much of terrible catostrophe the trade embargo has been on country's poorest citizens.

An embargo that Aristide had signed onto.

You and i, and all of those who were around to see it at the time, will never forget how Aristide stood behing a bullet proof podium with OAS and Officials from the Clinton Administration, Venezuela, France and Canada on the lawn of the 'Palais National'.

MINUSTAH (headed by Brezil) replaces the Haitian Military.

Brezil is Haiti's favorite football team.
Brezil' national colors are yellow and green (can you see?)

1- Preval was Aristide's Prime Minister.

2- Preval became President.

3- Preval had chosen (directly and indirectly) the now 8 members of the CEP
4- Preval had asked the OAS to come help CEP with the vote recount

Check it out! Now, OAS (under the watchful of MINUSTAH) are getting to count something that most say was not counted in the first place.

What is more interesting, is that the Haitian Society has, unfortunately, been given a Bacteria of Cholera to soften its stomac, so that the people could be rendered soft and not have the stomac to fight for their vote.

Today- Dec 29, 2010 The National Network for the Defence of Human Rights (RNDDH) Manager, Vil

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