Haiti Grants Full Access to Elections Vote Recount

The Organization Of American State (OAS) has been granted full access to recount the Haiti election votes. The CEP has promised a full recount of the votes.

OAS assistant secretary general Albert Ramdin says

"Technical experts will have unlimited access to information and facilities, (and) will be able to look into results sheets and the procedures followed in determining the outcome"

I'm not sure how long it will take... We want to be thorough, we want to make sure a good verification is done and at the same time we are also very aware of time limits."


Being that there were lots of fraud reported at the polls, do you think that these fraudulent votes will be accounted for and how?

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Ronald Altieri says...

Merci Magareth for your time and effort to make sure that we have this blog to look at, and place certain things in perspective.

Thankful i am also for the other wonderful thought provoking ideas from the other ladies (you know who you are).

It is clear that in our male dominated culture the voices of the women has not been given its due attention, and we all know that we are the product of our women.

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Patricia says...

All the brave Haitians men and women let stand together to take our destiny and our country back. Enough is enough let's united strengh and victory is our, fight for a better future do not give-up our country is counting on us where there is breath there is hope. Dream big! let's encourage each other, let's clean our land we deserve better do not let nobody tell you otherwise.It's time to wake-up people we have been sleeping to long, ask God to open our eyes and our hearts.

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Marleine says...

In his case a new election will be best it doesn't make no sense to recount those fraudulent votes...

Se komsi OEA pral lave men;l siye'l ate...

Bagay eleksyon sa telman gen magouy ladann nou pa konn kiyes pou nou kwe AMERIKIN pa fyab nan bagay sa di tou.

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Monique Dessources says...

Have a happy and a healthy new year! May the Lord be with you

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Margareth Joseph says...

OAS Recounting Fraud in Haiti: A Non-Viable Option by Stanley

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Jp says...

Your right!

That's what I am thinking too. Without a new election, unless they give the power to the one everyone can see clearly, whose really winning the elections based on the people voice and their reactions on the streets.

I supposed Sweet Micky did probably won the election.

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Yvette Duverge says...

people, Haiti needs a new

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Ronald Altieri says...

Be still and watch!

The mass, particularly the youth, of Haiti know who they voted for. Yes! They do know who they voted for, and they know who they do not want.

They have nothing but their votes, and billions of dollars will not be able to take to make them think they voted for someone they did not.

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Patricia says...

We need a new election! stop patronize the haitians people we understand what they try to do we say no more it's time for Haiti to breathe and smile again.

We will never accept it we are tired with those devil who keep destroying the country enough is enough.


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Sergo Jean says...

I disagree, during that elections they were there.

wrong is wrong.The CEP is not the constitutional court in Haiti.CEP was the only legitimate authority to determine the winner.

If bad things happen our leaders have to go to the court;because our constitution says Article 8-1 The territory of the Haitian republic is inviolable and may not be alienated either in whole or any treaty or convention.And article 56 says An alien may be expelled from the territory of the republic if the becomes involved in the political life of the country or in cases determined by law. Preval knows, He was wrong at the start to the

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