President Preval Says Cholera Could Delay The Haiti Presidential Elections

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T . Lagwe says...

NO! How convenient! The do nothing President now wants to stay in power forever. How unlucky, this little black. Republic long struggle for freedom... more »

Johnny says...

nen pot vale moun ki vote se eleksion li rele elektion an sipoze fet 28 novanm nan yon moun ki pa al vote se doua l more »

Marie says...


Pierre B. says...

Sure, why not? My question to you, Mr. Preval: When are you gonna tell these people who were tragically hit by the earthquake and now cholera that... more »

Patricia Wright says...

Preval just want to stay a longer so he can demolish Haiti. He already know that Celestin is going to be President and he is going to be prime... more »

Luckson says...

The election should be delayed,if notwill kill many people than it already did.Then we have a president who doesn't really know how to govern a... more »

Bob says...

How can there be contagion at polling stations? How can cholera be transmitted at the polling stations? Cholera is not transmitted by contact. Is... more »

Sergo Jean says...

Sa se fot Preval,mank de lide chip.Neg sa yo pa panse,yo pa tande moun sof tet yo.Pep la te pale yo menm yo te we kob kap vini fok yo fe... more »

Victor Manuel Guerrero says...

Creo que debido a este brote de colera, las elecciones se deben posponer, sin embargo, la ONG UNICREDEC, cree que el gobierno tiene que hacer... more »

Martine Civil says...

No not because of cholera! we are not ready for election now the population is to stressful for election. I understand that they need to spend the... more »