President Martelly as SWEET MICKY Christmas Concert Cancelled

Do you remember? Haitian President Michel Martelly had planned to take the stage this Christmas as his alter ego "SWEET MICKY" to raise money for the school children of Haiti? Well it didn't happen...

Would you say... Fortunately???

OR... Unfortunately???

I know some of you have this fear of our beloverd president's EXTRAORDINARY talents! LOL...

Man... Believe me...

I waiting for some footage to share with you but Prezidan Micky banou pwason d'Avril... Either he changed his mind or somebody changed it for him!

The show was cancelled!

Organizing such an event is very complex they say...

I am sure Anderson Cooper was getting ready to broadcast live on CNN... He loves being a part of the action and this would've been a once in a lifetime opportunity for him... Oh... His head would be turning 360 if you know what I mean... Don't you think? LOL...

According to a report by The Associated Press, President Martelly "had urged officials from the United Nations and the neighboring Dominican Republic to buy tickets to help raise $10 million for the country's education program"

Since you missed the party of the century, I found the next best thing for you...

Here is a video of former Haitian President Rene Preval and NOW President (pou tout bon) Sweet Micky performing live at the Haiti National Palace...

It would have been fun to see the Haitian chief of State get on stage with his "pantalet" and be all that he can be...

But fortunately or... unfortunately... for President Michel 'Sweet Micky' Martelly, it did not happen...

Maybe Next year... according to Presidential adviser Damian Merlo, They are still planning to do the concert Next year.

Question: Would you attend such an event?

What would your expectations be?

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Jacques Cherenfant says...

Kom Presidan, neg la gin doua joue 2 ou 3 moso e lot diaz ap kontinie.

Martelly pap ka agi nimpot jan anko, min se kimbe potokol ap kimbel paske msie pap jam vin yon eleman plastic ki fabrike sou kaponay.Jan ou ouai Martelly se konsa liye li naturel paskel pa ni politicien ni yon demagog.

Si yon neg rinmin pran manti nan min neg kap pran pose sainte nitouche, ale ale jouin yo; toi qui es toujours dispose a te faire tromper.

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Monel, listen!
Are you cheating on me?

Because Chapi is trying to creates problem for me.
Please, stop it.You need to talk to Chapi.

Agent-x used to act the same way, don't you follow his foot step.
I hope you understand my point, Agent-x never used to take responsibility for his action until i teach him the rules.


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Monel says...

I advice you to read my last posting"this is not Monel'style.

I didn't receive any email from this reply, call your partner who's opened an account on my name. I saw your sh...t because l always read every know my style.

Ou konnen le map ekri kreyol mwen pa ekri-l menm jan animal parey ou-a

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Monel says...

Don't waste your time animal, the way you act not my style.

I got you animal .you open an account on my name, don't worry bro, l'm not gonna leave this blog for

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Monel, e'wou?

Wou fet't fini konpoze chante pou mwen epi wou ap pale lot moun'n mal.
Wou gin talan mizisyen tou.
Sispan kache filing'g

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Monel says...

Ni president Rene Preval, ni sweet micky joseph Michel Martelly, Jean Bertrand Aristide ak Bill Clinton toute se musicien, caravacheur, bambocheur, vacabond et courreur de jupes gratis et

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Douvino says...

Josy I completely agree with you.
We should all attend, and applaud Him, we currently have the best of the bests Haitian President ever in our Office.

Let's just relax and help Him put the country back where it belong.

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Daphnie Saint-preux says...

In my opinion, Fortunately! As the NEW President of our beloved country, it is in his best interest, as well as the citizens, to serve them NOT to entertain them. The President should focus all his resources, energy and time on rebuilding and reconstructing HAITI.

He is now President Martelly not Sweet Micky.

Rarely do you hear or see a leader of a country jumping on stage performing in a manner that he has in the past. If you want to be an entertainer do that but you're the President now, act like it. Get serious so that the rest of the world will take Haiti serious.

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Monel says...

Tant mieux si vous avez contribue.

Ce n'est pas la question?ce que je haie, c'est quand vous dites c'est pour la premiere fois vous voyez un president qui veut changer du pierre au pain, La je pense vous coyez dans la demagogie rose et blanc.

ne soyez pas trop innocent ou innocente a ne pas faire une difference entre la jaune d'un oeuf et la matiere f...

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Eve says...

qui te dit qu, en tant haitienne, je n ai pas contribuer a son projet?

s, il a annuler, c est son agenda qui est peut etre trop charger, ou fatigue, mais son concert serait un succes,,vous interpreter les commentaires de la plus mauvaise facon qui soit, tu ne verras plus mes commentaires sur haitilibre, et merci de l avoir lu

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