Haiti - Jean Monard Metellus di: Si se pou mwen, Martelly tap soti nan pot dèyè Palais National

Tande sa... Haiti - Jean Monard Metellus di sou antenne Radio Caraibes FM: "Si se pou mwen Martelly se yon neg se cheche ou tap cheche li nan palais ou pa jwenn li, se pa pot deye pou li ta kite..."

Jean Monard kontinye, li di:

"Si m ta nan plas Privert, se rache m ta rache l nan palais a... Se konsa pou Martelly te kite pouvwa a paske se yon vagabon ki te rive, ki pat nan plas li, nou pat gen dwa ofri l seyans nou ofri li hier la pou li trouve ap kale ko li."

Jean Monard di:

"Martelly tèlman alèz ou wè lè l rive bò cimertiere petion ville li desann machin li l a pied ak tout vagabon li yo dèyè do li ap mennen l ale..."

Kisa ou panse de sa???

Kite yon mesaj

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Yves says...

Tout mesye dam sa yo ki nan medya Ayisyen an se yon paket egri yo ye.Jean Monard se youn nan pwemye magouye ki nan medya Ayisyen tande kisa yon neg ki nan medya poul pale

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Gab-dudu says...

Li lè e tan pou tout moun nan sosyete ayisyen an di sal vle...

men ki lè lap fè jou pou tout moun ka li RESPECT (RESPè) se yn devwa responsab envers ENVIRONNEMENT...

mezanmi m pa di demokrasi.

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Pierre Morisseau says...

San zave tankou Ti Mona c tou tou nomal poul pale konsa paske tou avadra vagabond ap bal lajan le alp pale tintin.

Nan Peyi ki gen lwa tout bon tankou Etats-Unis mwen bal defi poul ta pale konsa.

san pudeur, sans dignite ou c youn nan mounn ki pavle we Matelly mwen depim fe nan tout sa ke mwen konnen mwen pa we okinn ladan yo ki te fe ou babay pou leve figi nou devan lot

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Patrick Derilus says...

Vagabond c

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Pet says...

Figi sanble ak yon pil kkkkkkkk yon gro kidnape asasin

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Garry says...

I went to Haiti with my wife her first time going there.

We went to carrefour on the way, we basically closed our nose. Going back to the hotel, my friend went inside fontamara and the only thing left for fontamara to be a sewer is the humans living in it.
For these people to talk like that and at the same time ignore the smell of port au prince which Martelly was doing a great job rebuilding, they are subhuman.

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Macogule says...

Journalist sa pa kon plas li. Li manke class pou la fe on komante konsa.

C'est de la mediocrite.

Verite mwen dako avek ou. Sekalite te moun sa yo ki dye micro kounie kap soulve pep au lieu ke yo eduke

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Aristide says...

Bon neg la president yon peyi, yon vagabon sw sel diol li gen lap palé kaka konsa, si c t Aristide dat li t gentan fè Tasso ak bò bouda

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Vanina says...

Se nomal pou yo di tout sa yo vle de Martelly paske li kite yo anvi pou yo radote.

Ou pat janm tande peson disparet pandan 5 ans e pat gen kadav jounalis yo te jwen mouri nan la ri nan movez kondisyion.

Bravo pou sa ki pa vagabon yo. men poko gen youn ladan yo ki te pase devan Martelly depi tout tan yo gen anten radio ak micro nan bouch.

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Olivier Nadal says...

Pi gwo vakabon nan peyi a se Jean Monard Metellus and Liliane Pierre Paul, deu jounalis egri qui rayi tout moun de

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