Haiti - It is a Senator's duty to make sure the tax dollars are well spent...

Ritho Jean Louis - July 22 2014, 2:35 AM

This is the Senator's duty to make sure the tax dollars are well spent, that's why we have elected him, so they are nothing wrong with the Senator s approach to the facts if He felt like this was a show.

Now the constitution gives the guidelines and restrictions how government money shall spend...

True the Diaspora contributed a lot of money to Haiti early.

How does government lakay ou helps the Diaspora by coming to Miami.

1) Did the Diaspora learned about how the $1.50 spend and for how much longer will that payment continues also how much is that collections add to?

2) The Diaspora will be able to vote from abroad since the government admitted that billions of dollars sent to Haiti?

What does government lakay ou brought to Miami that Radio Mega, or the media couldn't have informed us about?

In closing what does the communication personal handle if government lakay ou broadcast the show themselves why need to pay Roody for?

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