In Thailand, roasted fetuses found stashed in luggageBy Kocha Olarn

Jean Pierre Alexandre - May 18 2012, 1:52 PM

In Thailand, roasted fetuses found stashed in luggageBy Kocha Olarn, CNN
updated 10:58 AM EDT, Fri May 18, 2012
The six fetuses were found in a Bangkok hotel room
They are said to be used for black magic rituals
Britain confirmed the arrest
Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- Six roasted fetuses covered with gold for black magic rituals were found in a Bangkok hotel room, and the gruesome discovery led to the arrest of a British citizen Friday, Thai police said.

Chow Hok Kuen, a 28-year-old Briton of Taiwanese origin, faces charges of hiding and covering dead bodies and a jail term of up to a year, police said.

The arrest came after police were tipped off about a website advertising the sale of the fetuses.

Police searched Chow's hotel room and found the fetuses packed in a box inside Chow's baggage, they said.

Chow said that he planned to sell fetuses in Taiwan and that one could be worth up to 200,000 Thai baht, or $6,300, police said. He told police that the black magic rituals with fetuses are believed to bring good fortune for businesspeople.

Police say it's unclear where the fetuses came from.

The British Foreign Office confirmed the arrest and will provide consular assistance if necessary.

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

What is it with that fetuses thing around for ages? In the first detonated H-bomb,one nuclear physcist pregnated a woman at one sacrifice... more »