Haitian Vitamin-News 12 December 2011►U.S $ scarcity in Haiti

Agent-x - December 12 2011, 1:21 AM

☺☻ Who is playing on the US dollar scarcity key board in Haiti?

We need the name of person/institution of interests and the suspects.

We may start with the usual suspects hoping they will denounce themselves if they are guilty or lead us to the unknown new suspects.

This will be a win-win investigation.

There are at least nine main speculations or guesses to the current U.S. dollar scarcity in Haiti since November 2011.

♦-1-There is an unexplained increase in export of goods from the Dominican Republic to Haiti during the last six months that jump from six million [6 M] to eighteen million [18 M] US dollar a month.

Currency experts said there is no tangent proof in circulation of such transaction in the economy.

This is an unprecedented trend in the trade history of between Haiti and Dominican Republic.

The cross-border imports of the country are estimated at around 1.2 billion U.S. dollars.

About half of these imports are carried out in the form of cash to buy goods from several Haitian shopkeepers.

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