When jn Claude Duvalier left he left Haiti with minoterie...

Paule - September 24 2011, 6:07 PM

when jn Claude Duvalier left he left Haiti with minoterie d'haiti, ciment d'haiti, welsh, usine sucriere de darbonne where are they now most of them are gift giving by aristid to big company Haiti is left with nothing, now tell me who's at fault jean claude or aristid, jean claude father left him with millions aristid was a poor ptsd when took power after 5 his one of the richest men in Haiti, pace mwen reusi san pep la pito mwen ecwe ak pep la, ou sonje li reyici pep la echwe.what's up with that.

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Voleurs toujou audacieux. It is well documented world...

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You don't know the history of Haiti. Before you makes...

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