To Lucas: I think you have painted a pretty good picture of...

Jim - June 29 2011, 11:04 PM

To Lucas: I think you have painted a pretty good picture of the situation in Haiti and the interactions between the forces.

I am totally convinced that Martelly should create the confrontation instead of giving-in. This will result in a true politital crisis.

The sad thing is that Haiti needs that and this is the only out of this mess. You cannot make "omelette sans casser des oeufs".The Haitian populace will get so angry and fed up with the inertia and sure will understand what is going on and will want a solution.

There may even be some political violence and sabotage.

In view of the little support Inite enjoys, it will end up being the looser in this. I am absolutely convinced of that. The point is not to be scared of the fight.

Martelly, on many occasions said "ce gros goumin qui pral fet la".

So he knows what the cards are like for him and he should keep telling the Haitian people how the reforms he proposes are being hijacked and interfered with because he does not want to go on like before, like it was under Preval.

The Idiots and Clowns of Inite have no priciples, only opportunism and crass, and therefore, not enough conviction to give a serious fight.

You can see, after he went hidding, Gaillot Dorsainvil reappeared on the scene, believing that Inite maybe has a legs to stand on and therefore he can give a fight.

Look, Rouzier was defeated.

But when push come to shove, cowards like with Inite legislators, interested in protecting previous gains and looking for more, will go away. You know when the Haitian populace is mad, the crooks from Inite will go into hidding to save their skin. So, Martelly's best card is to keep informing the Haitian population of the problems just like he has been, but more forcefully, and to not back down. He should propse a new minister and let Inite defeat that person again.

you get the idea?

Martelly has a lot of popular, national and international support right now and he should capitalize on it.



Haiti: INITE

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