Another questions to you Mr. Baker Regard HOUSING Will you...

Miggy - October 8 2010, 11:36 PM

Another questions to you Mr. Baker


Will you implement A HOUSING LAW to provide incentives to help the people of Haiti to demolish their old CEMENTED EARTHQUAKE UNBROKEN HOUSES which possess a threat to more human lives if (God forbid) another EARTHQUAKE happens again.

and REBUILD houses with inside plumbing like an INDOOR TOILLETTE?

The reason for this housing question is because, believe it or not, people are still leaving inside these CEMENTED ROOF HOUSES because they have no other choice by either not having the money or not knowing how to build a proper 21st century house.

Do not forget these INDOOR TOILLETTES will prevent these dogs from reaching for the HUMAN FECES in the SAVAN-N KAKA (Feces infested deserted field)

Again, Will you implement A HOUSING LAW to provide incentives to help the people of Haiti to demolish their old CEMENTED EARTHQUAKE UNBROKEN HOUSES which possess a threat to more human lives if (God forbid) another EARTHQUAKE happens again.

and REBUILD houses with inside plumbing like an INDOOR TOILLETTE?

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