Why I Was Disqualified As a Haiti Presidential Candidate, Raymond Joseph Explains

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Johnny says...

Wap kon n moun se menjan le ou se yon anbasade nan etazini epi ou responsab pou bay tout haitiens ki bezoiin paspo epi ki rete biyin louin anbasad... more »

Demesvar Charles says...

It is disheartening to see how haitian politians have no respect for our inteligence. They have no quarrel participating in a fraudulent process in... more »

Antitripotage says...

Few years ago,this old rat scandalized for no good reason my former class mate 575[Look on telephone pad for letters representing 575] on his news... more »

Denise says...

Haiti Observateur is the most reactionary and tioul Americain newspaper.I agreed with you people should not buy this garbage.Refers to his former... more »