Why should they blk skin maid came to ur stupid protest, none...

Kelly Villate - August 21 2010, 9:37 AM

why should they blk skin maid came to ur stupid protest, none of you negroes had never cares for haiti all u worry is to get government job so u can still like always, u negros had ruled haiti for decade, what have u done not a damn thing, the worst island on earth.

u negroes always try to keep the mulatoes out of haiti's politic cz you scare that we can do much more better job than u negroes.

the mulatoes create the jobs in haiti, u negroes invest your money in order countries instead after robing the economy.

Example jean claude paul a negro took 10k from us ship who was carry des dechets toxics into gonaives sea, Aristide jean bertrand killed the izmery brothers, Durocher bertin destroyed the country worst then it was, Francois duvalier kicked out all the smart haitians.

Again what u negroes had done for the country beside destroying, la mentalite dessalinienne coupe tete, bruler cayes.

U negroes are the one who had destoyed haiti all these times All the countries run by negroes are in the ruins.

only 1 exception Nelson Mandela.

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