UN force brought cholera to Haiti, The CDC Says

The United Nations brought peace and CHOLERA to Haiti, peace I am not so sure but CHOLERA, definitely... LOL...

There a new report out from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pointing the fingers again at MINUSTAH again...

The Associated Press reports...

Evidence "strongly suggests" that a United Nations peacekeeping mission brought a cholera strain to Haiti that has killed thousands of people, a study by a team of epidemiologists and physicians says.

The study is the strongest argument yet that newly-arrived Nepalese peacekeepers at a base near the town of Mirebalais brought with them the cholera, which spread through the waterways of the Artibonite region and elsewhere in... [Haiti]

"Our findings strongly suggest that contamination of the Artibonite (river) and 1 of its tributaries downstream from a military camp triggered the epidemic," said the report in the July issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases, a journal of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Can Haitians Sue???

It the United Nations is indeed responsible for the deaths of 5,500 Haitians and 363,000 hospitalizations, can these individuals file lawsuits against the UN for negligence?

It's along shot but it would be a hell of a story!

Should the UN be held responsible for the efforts being undertaken to stop the spread of CHOLERA in Haiti?

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Charlot says...

CDC, Red Cross and the U.N. are diseases' creators and they are the ones to fear. Red Cross technicians are trained to manage diseases and spread them around too. Under the Republicans' control, they will kill more to keep the world population under control.

Lastly, once sterilization and anti-chromosome gene or sex gender vaccine accounted for gay behaviors are being protested against so diseases are the new

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Sergo Jean says...

I support the topic and I hope Leta Ayisyen organize pep la ki victim de maladi sa pou jwen justice le yo pral condui responsab oficiel nan UN yo devan la justice pou crim cont humanite, neglijans e mank de conpetans .Se menm jan le Espagnol kite gen nan tet li Chistophe Colomb te decouvri Haiti arive touye plu de 9 milion mounn ki tap viv sou ter sa ki pa janm jwen justice e ni condane pa menm group sa yo ki te ecziste a lepoc sou lot nom e ki vinn paret kounie men ki organize avec consantman de prop mounn nou voye pou fe loi pou proteje peyi nou men ki pito antre nan confli d'intere pou detri prop pep li.Mwen souete foua sa pitit esclav yo ki victim pa menm group anvayise sa yo jwen justice, pou bagay kite pouse Dessalines avec Toussaint fe batay sa pou mete nou lib jodia pa repete.Nou se menm mounn yo e sang sa nan venn nou e mwen pa we Leta AYISYEN avec UN fe anyen pou ta ranplace sa nou konnen tout ayisyen connen an le bagay la mele ou bien boi mare. Haiti piti men tout Ayisyen gen prop tactic li pou fe lot mounnrespecte doua li, se yon pep ki dou men le li canpe mwen pa cre lot peyi ap ka supote sa ki ap vinn jwen yo.pou mwen dirije vle di foc gen vizion, Rev, prevoi e pran mezi pou evite dezast e lot bagay cap vini san

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Jean Claude says...

of course.

Aren't we human also?

I am sure they will never and ever do that in USA
in fact, they will never get that opportunity because the are all just like Haitian begging some help from the BIG

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Max Mills says...

Do not waste your breath my friend.Once upon the time in the early 60's the Americans, French and British were in Africa (Congo ) to be specific to cure the Africans who were suffered of a severe malaria and cholera .They came together with a vaccine and it works but with a side effect which is today called HIV then to AIDS (SIDA).

Early in the 80,s the African began to die in the early teens and twenties so when they realized their mistakes up to today none of the 3 countries refuse to take the blame.

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Tatu says...

Map poze tet mwen kesyon jis kibo sa ap rive, poun ap gade fre ak se n kap fin mouri anba yon disease et si se vre nou konnen sous disease la, why nou pa choute mouda malpropte yo fou yo deyo nan peyia nap tann se le yo fin detwi tout fre-n ak se-n Yo pou nou agi. Nou fout bouke sa paka kontinye konsa.

Epi. Sanitization tout bagay nan peyia.

Like sachet dlo, manje kwit(akoupim chage), mango, pain ect. Mezanni mesye les gouverneurs ballon an nan pye degajel pou pep la. May God bless

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Miejo says...


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Colette says...

Why is this even an issue?

If it were any other nation, the lawyers would have had the paperwork filed already.


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Toussaint says...

I'm furious and appalled that these people were not tested prior being mobilized to the country.

What is even more disturbing is the fact that it took them that long to ascertain the source of the issue.

I even read on MiamiHerald that they it was irrelevant to figure out where the disease had come from, which leading me to believe that this was premeditated.

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Kenold Pierre says...

We knew it all along that was the nepalizes but, they try to hide from us. the worst of it the drop their feces in our rivers, we even received pictures from a friend cacthing them doing it .I think UN is there to help not to destroy, but that's not the case, They should pay for the damage.

I don't see what they 're doing in Haiti, Please somebody help me, Tell me something .Last time I was in Haiti 7 pakistanizes sexually assaulted a little boy Everyday they rape girls and because they are from the Un we can not do anything about it or no doby report them .This is very

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Bwa San Fey says...


They need to give reparation to those poor Haitians who have been suffered from the disease and also isolated by their own

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