Transparency in Haiti - President Martelly Put To The Test

President Michel Martelly promised to bring transparency to the Haitian government and now... his administration is being put to the test... How?

Some of the Haitian senators are asking the Martelly administration to publish the exact amount that was spent for his Inauguration.

In a transparent government, this information should be made public.


Is this the beginning of accountability and transparency in Haitian Government?

Assuming that Martelly keeps his word and makes that information public, are we to assume that each Senator and Depute will do the same?

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Maxo Louis Jean says...

I believe in this president like seing the water in the glass.

now we must not be harsh on him this is his first, perhaps he don't think of that little expense, however i am sure they can find the invoices or bills to show the public what was spent.

so don't get me wrong every single piece of money spent must be tract.

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Psychologue Henri-claude says...

La Madeleine(France), 28 mai 2011

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Tiba says...

Transparency is a term the Haitian so-called senators and deputies borrow from their master, le blanc, and don't even know its definition and meaning.

If they did they wouldn't never mentione it because of the way they got elected on March 20, 2011, through fraud and manipulation of the votes.

These incompetent mediocre so-called senators and deputies need to learn 1) the description of their duty as elected members of the government, 2) learn the 2 functions of government, 3) learn the process, the philosophy and the principle of governance before they can even begin to use the term "transparency."

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Josy says...

How about them publishing their salaries?


so we can see if they

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Tomy says...

Sergo mwen dako ave'w 100%, komante ou ak analise ou fe se sa'l ta dwe ye, mwen ta swete mesye sena yo pap mete pression sou Martelly pou transparency, pendan yap sere anba tab, fe konplo pou yo vole, bati chato ak achte bel machine.

Nou tout konnen ke pouvwa haiti pa byen patage, yon president ki vle fe sa ki bon ap toujou nan pres paske si li pa vle pye min jan ak lot yo, la chambre ak prmye miste la ap nan difikilte pou vole jan yo ta

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Harold Fleurine says...

Transparency is good to fallow, when you have transparency you get more credit on everything else, people respect you and you'r administration.That will be a good example all of

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Esteban says...

Je suis

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Gene says...

I love my president and I know God gonna help him to do all prom he made. please give him some time to think what he gonna do for us .we all know Haiti got too much to do so leave him a lone let him do what he gonna do okay God know everything...plz

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Sergo Jean says...

I do support the topic, but transparency se yon mo ki izi pou ninpot di men ki pa facil pou aplike nan vre sans li.Mwen souete gouvernman Preval kite la di cleman combien cob yo te bay pou inogurasyon President Martelly et president li menm kite gen comision pa li pou zafe sa pral di men conbien ki depanse pou zafe sa.Zafe senate, depute, President,majistra, cazec, azec nan peyi ya pa gen mounn ki conn conbien chac mounn ap touche pandan ke le mounn sa yo vinn chef ou we yap constwi yon chato ou bien mounn lakay yo san pa gen mounn ki konnen cote cob sa yo soti.Menm jan Aristide kite yon pe ki pat gen kay, se yon mounn kite fel cado yon kay pou prouve CEP 1990 li posede yon kay li ka candida pou prezidan ki tap pale de menm mo sa transparency ki te menm bay premie chec li pou zafe pep la, e ki apre yon tibout tan selon Yvon Neptune ki te pot parol Lavalas te di nan zafe cob Taiwan te bay pou constwi rout Airport Ayiti a ke Aristide te pran $ 10 milion dola li bac li te prete Haiti yon neg ki pat gen menm yon kay e mwen rete cre menm le yon president ta pase 10 ane sou yon pouvoi ou pa ka gen 10 milion dola pou cob ou touche an tan ke prezidan e selon loi Haiti si yon mounn ou president ou senate, depute, majistra ou pa gen doua nan lot biznis juskaske manda ou fini. Haiti neg utilize mo pou blofe mounn pou vinn nan pouvoi paske yo connen bien pep la pa konn li jan yap cleronnen nan le monde pou regle zafe yo men map di yo gen anpil ayisyen ki konn li ap ecri cap vinn demaske yo yon jou paske le ya gen pou vini.Kom mwen tande gen comision justice nan sena mwen ta renmen yo vini avec yon loi ki mande pou tout senate, depute, majistra, prezidan e directe general yo pou declare bien ke yo genyen avan yo pote serman pou yon post nan l'etat an Haiti pou le la cour des cont ap verifie poul ka jwen exzat sa li ap cherche yo e menm sou paran mounn sa yo sa yo posede avan .Paske gen senate cap constwi Hotel an Haiti avec ti sale yo touche a pandan ke se pa yon asociation ke yo genyen ou bien yon

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Miejo says...

ah! ah! ah! la transparence ! Je crois que son administration doit publier les

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