Town Hall Meeting with Charlito Baker, Candidate For President Of Haiti

This Saturday, October 9, Presidential candidate Charles Henry Baker is having a town hall meeting with the Miami Diaspora and you're invited.

What do you want to ask Charlito Baker?

This town hall meeting with Charlito Baker will be held at the little Haiti cultural center in Little Haiti, Miami, Florida.

For more info, click on Town Hall Meeting With Haiti Presidential Candidate Charlito Baker

Mezanmi, Haiti change wi... LOL...

Nowadays, Haitian presidential candidates are having town hall meetings!


Got questions for Charles Henri Baker?

If you have any question for candidate Charlito Baker, be sure to attend this town hall meeting.

If you don't live in South Florida, or you cannot attend, why don't you ask him your question right here... right now...

What is your question for Charlito Baker?

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All Comments (21)

Miggy says...

How are you today?

Can you give a little details on how YOU RELATE to him?

It would be nice!
Even though I do know if I'll endorse him yet, it's kind of weird seeing myself GRAVITATING toward

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Tomy says...

I don't know MUCH about Mr. Baker, but i am somehow LIKE him for few diferent reasons.


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Miggy says...

Another question for you Mr. Baker

#15) Will you build A BANK in the middle of EACH 10 department FOR BETTER AND SAFE ACCESS to banking for the people of Haiti

Reason for this Banking question is because, A) All of the WELL BUILTED BANKS are located in the capital of Port-au-Prince.

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Miggy says...

Another question for you Mr.Baker

14) Will you implement CHILD ABUSE LAW to these 7-9 years Orphans and poor children being spread for PROSTITUTION?

Reason for the CHILD PROSTITUTION LAW is because, you can see it all over YOUTUBE.

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Tiba says...

Although I know little to nothing about Charles Henry Baker, but I still would like him to be president.

A president finally comes directly from the elite.

However, I am somewhat confused about his motive for this town hall meeting with a diaspora that has no "Voting Rights" in Haiti's elections.

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Miggy says...

Another question to you Mr. Baker

Will you INSTANTLY start building A TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTERs IN all 10 department to train this Haitian generation how to be INVENTIVE AND CREATIVE.

Like learning how to build houses, roads, electrical programs, agriculture.

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Marie Janty says...

Mr. Baker: All those questions are good and legitimate ones. But we realized not all of the can be implemented at once.
Mr. Question to you sir is how we'll you prioritize those issues?

How much money will you need to implement those programs?

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Miggy says...

Another question to you Mr. Baker

Will you negotiate with other powerful countries to help planted an ELECTRIC PLANT ON each one of the 10 department of Haiti?

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Miggy says...

Another questions to you Mr. Baker


Will you implement A HOUSING LAW to provide incentives to help the people of Haiti to demolish their old CEMENTED EARTHQUAKE UNBROKEN HOUSES which possess a threat to more human lives if (God forbid) another EARTHQUAKE happens again.

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Miggy says...

another question to you Mr. Baker

10) it is regard of our animals especially THE DOGS
Will you implement laws to protect and care for the domestic ANIMALS in Haiti?

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