Another question to you Mr. Baker Will you INSTANTLY start...
Another question to you Mr. Baker
Will you INSTANTLY start building A TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTERs IN all 10 department to train this Haitian generation how to be INVENTIVE AND CREATIVE.
Like learning how to build houses, roads, electrical programs, agriculture.
The reason for this question is because if you do not train the Haitians people to learn the work that need to be done in their country.
You will have to bring foreign workers to come and get these jobs that could of being for the people themselves so that the people can take care their businesses on their own while enjoying having a job. I would call THE HELPING YOURSELF PROGRAM.
Again, Will you INSTANTLY start building TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTERS IN all 10 departments to train this Haitian generation how to be INVENTIVE AND CREATIVE.
Like learning how to build houses, roads, electrical programs, agriculture.
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Another question to you Mr. Baker Regard: ELECTRIC...
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Another question for you Mr.Baker 14) Will you...
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