Ronald Lareche

All news about Ronald Lareche, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Ronald Lareche


Haiti Politics : Senate Vice-President Lareche Refuses to Admit his Signature in Privert Term-Ending Document

Senateur Ronald Lareche Haiti Politics : Senate Vice-President Lareche Refuses to Admit his Signature in Privert Term-Ending Document... A note Senator Lareche supposedly signed jointly with Depute Cholzer Chancy, hours later, he denied signing it... LOOK... more »

Haiti Elections - Love Singer Jacques Sauveur Jean elected Senator of the Republic

PHOTO : Haiti Election Resulta : Jacques Sauveur Jean Elu Senateur de La Republique It's official... Singer Jacques Sauveur Jean has been elected Senator of the Republic in the second round of the Legislative elections... Jacques Sauveur Jean received 40,947 votes, a total 31.03% placing him second in the 4-candidate round 2 elections... Jacques Sauveur Jean becomes the 2nd Senator of Haiti, Nord-Est Department... more »