Maryse Narcisse

All news about Maryse Narcisse, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Maryse Narcisse


Haiti Elections - Maryse Narcisse and LAVALAS will NOT support Jude Celestin for President

Jude Celestin Sezi, Maryce Narcisse Haiti Elections Update -- Without being too direct, Maryse Narcisse made it clear she and Fanmi LAVALAS will NOT support Jude Celestin or anyone else in round 2 of the presidential elections... "But we will not go into any combination with any candidate to sacrifice the struggle of the people," her exact words... more »

Haiti Elections: "We Saw the Magouy, we Touched the Magouy," Maryse Narcisse says

Haiti Election Contestation - Kontestasyon Haiti Elections Update -- One day after Fanmi Lavalas candidate for president Maryse Narcisse walked into the tabulation center for vote verfication by order the BCEN, she said in a press conference: "We See the Magouy (fraud), we touched the Magouy, after seeing the Magouy with own eyes, the Electoral Council (CEP) must sanction everyone involved even the CEP itself who participated in it..." more »

Haiti Elections - Maryse Narcisse Will spend all day Saturday at Vote Tabulation Center seeking Proof of Electoral FRAUD

Haiti Election Contestation - Kontestasyon Haiti Elections Update -- LAVALAS candidate for president Maryse Narcisse is ecpexted to spend all day Saturday at the vote tabulation center (CTV) tying to find proof of electoral fraud... more »

FLASH: Haiti - Desras Proposes New Government, Jude President, Maryse, Moise JC Members, Eric Jean Baptiste Prime Minister

Nouvo Gouvernemt DERAS a: Jude Celestin President, Moise JC, Maryse Membre, Pere Eternel Premier Ministre Haiti Elections Update -- Former Senator President Desras Simon Dieuseul believes he has the perfect solution for Haiti: KICK Martelly out and form a new 'College de Gouvernment' with Jude Celestin president, Moise Jean Charles and Maryse Narcisse as Members and Eric Jean Baptiste as Prime Minister... Say what??? more »

FLASH: Haiti Elections - Exit Poll Places Jovenel Moise in 4th Position, Should Jovenel be AFFRAID?

Haiti Election Exit POLL Graph, Jovenel Moise 4th Haiti Elections Update -- A research team who conduced an exit poll during the 25 October elections in Haiti asked the question: "Who did you vote for in the Elections?" 37.5 percent said Jude Celestin, 30.6 percent said Moise Jean Charles, 19.4 percent said Maryse Narcisse, 6.3 percent said Jovenel Moise... Should Jovenel Moise be AFFRAID??? more »

Haiti Elections - Maryse Narcisse WINS at BCEN

Haiti Election Contestation - Kontestasyon Haiti Elections - Fanmi LAVALAS candidate for president Maryse Narcisse won a claim at the National Electoral Litigation Bureau (BCEN) granting her the right to verify the level of fraud recorded in the 25 October elections at the Vote Tabulation Center (CTV)... more »

Haiti Elections - CEP/BEC President Arrested in Delmas 2 for Transporting Proces Verbals

Haiti Elections - BEC president caught carrying proces verbals Haiti Elections UPDATE - Controversy broke out in Delmas 2 Monday when a man was spotted transporting Electoral Council (CEP) materials on a pickup truck... Before long, news broke on social Media. some say it was Proces Verbals belonging to LAVLALAS candidate Marise Nacisse being disposed of. Others said these proces verbals belonged to a candidate for Magistrat in Carrefour... None of the above was true but that didn't stop police from arresting the man and confiscating the proces verbals... more »

Haiti Election Contestation - Maryse Narcisse challenges Jovenel Moise Votes at BCED

Maryse Narcisse vs. Jovenel Moise Haiti Elections Updates -- LAVALAS Candidate for President Maryse Narcisse has decided to challenge the votes of PHTK Candidate Jovenel Moise at the Bureau du Contentieux Électoral Départemental (BCED)... more »

Haiti - Candidate Fanatics still claiming VICTORY days after the elections

Candidat Moise Jean Charles Santi bagay yo bon nan men li Haitian politicians are so impatient about the elections official results that they are out there claiming VICTORY for their favorite candidates for the 25 October elections... We are hearing declarations about "President-ELECT Maryse Narcisse," Are you kidding me? Others are saying "President Moise Jean-Charles OR Revolution," while the Electoral Council (CEP) warned against this kind of practice... more »

Haiti Post-Election - Fanmi LAVALAS Press Conference 9:30am Tuesday

Haiti Elections - Aristide Pran Lari ak Maryse Narcisse Denye Jou Kanpay Electoral la Haiti Post-Election - Fanmi LAVALAS announces a press conference for Tuesday 9am... So far no one knows the reason for this press conference; However, Schiller Louidor said on the radio Monday that Lavalas Candidate Maryse Narcisse won in the first round and they were already making plans for her inauguration... Stay tuned! more »