Caleb Derameaux

All news about Caleb Derameaux, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Caleb Derameaux


Haiti Elections - Kout Zam tap tire nan Tabarre Samedi Soir dapre Candidat Caleb Desrameaux

Caleb Desrameaux, Candidat Depute Tabarre Haiti Elections Update -- Bal tap chante nan Tabarre dapre Candidat Caleb Desrameaux, se sa Radio Caraibes fe konnen nan yon veye electoral yo tap fe lanwit Samdi 08 Aout 2015 la, la vey Election Legislative yo... more »

Haiti Elections - Manifestation Thursday, Plaftorm VERITE wants Jacky Lumarque back on list of Candidates for President

Jacky Lumarque, Candidat a la Presidence 2015 Haiti Elections Update -- Political Platform VERITE announced a big Manifestation Thursday, 09 July 2015, demanding that the CEP readd their Presidential Candidate Jacky Lumarque back on the list of Candidates for President... more »