Haiti Senator Onondieu Louis sidelined by the Senate for corruption
Haitian Senator Onondieu Louis to leave his seat in the Senate Office after he was accused in a vast scandal of corruption and money laundering.
Senateur Nawoon Marcellus, Senateur Onondieu Louis, Senateur Ronald Lareche - Haiti National Assembly
Senator president Carl Murat Cantave, announced on Thursday, September 5, 2019, that provisional measures would be taken against the Nord-Ouest Senator following the corruption scandal of which he would be involved.
A special commission of inquiry will be created to shed light on the case of Senator Onondieu Louis.
Senator Onondieu denies any wrong doing. His lawyer, Maitre Reynold Georges, said this is a conspiracy to tarnish the image of the senator who enjoys great popularity in his department as the legislative elections approaches.
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