Haiti is on a dangerous course, Preval says

Haitian President Rene Preval says that Haiti is on a dangerous course, politically speaking, due to the disputed presidential elections.

During his speech in the city of Gonaives on January 1st (Haitian independence day) President Preval said...

"This is a dangerous road we are on. In addition to natural disasters, we are in a political crisis following the Nov. 28, 2010, elections."

Maybe I'm wrong but...

Isn't it Preval's political party that has set this course for Haiti.

I mean...

Everything that went wrong with the elections seems to lead to the road to victory for the INITE party.

Preval is right... Haiti is in a dangerous course but...

What exactly is the BETTER alternative?

A new Haitian government with a INITE president and INITE controlling the senate and the chambre des deputes.

That doesn't sound too bad... What do you think?

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Ronald Altieri says...

Thank you Marise and Max for your kind attentiveness.

I assure you that none of your words were overlooked, and the feelings will be cherished.

Max, you should know that you have motivated some of my thoughts; whereas, Marise seem to have activated a new approach in looking our Haiti.

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Max Mills says...

Dear Marise
I read your comments carefully and i realize you also have great visions for Haiti .The point I want to touch today is the transportation.

Do you realize it is pert of our culture or would you like to see that form of culture to go on in the next 20 years, that tap-tap transportation needs to go. We need modern transportation on the street, later, how would you feel if one of our leader comes to tell us we need to accept it because it is our culture.From now i would say no way.You said you have been to Acapulco, you realized how beautiful the place is and were proud to be there just for the experience ok.The same way we can imagine having a beautiful place like this at home not too far than Jacmel, au Cap-Haitian, or somewhere you can imagine.

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Marise Leon says...

Max and Ronald, I do agree with you both especially Max. It is not by chance that QUATAR got to be chosen over the United States of America.

FIFA is not only looking for the game but also it is interested in the development of third world countries as long as they have the infrastructures in place.

The bid is quite high (close to $50M which is nothing for those Haitian Investors) but if we can provide at least 35,000 hotel rooms equipped with world class technology, portable water, stadium (55-75,000 seats in capacity) to watch the games and other stadiums (about 32) to train the teams, well maintained and multi laned roads, all-inclusive resorts with gradable stars, clean beaches, shopping malls, airports, touristic sites and other venues, good and clear communications, public transportations including railroads, well staffed hospitals and a large convention center (see Acapulco Convention Center in Acapulco, Mexico) with built in Multilingual Translation Management.

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Patricia says...

If you want respect you have to earn it, but he does not! I will say it again the country is tired give it a chance to many women and young girls have been rape everyday inside those tents, please before we talk about giving him respect go to visit Haiti and see what's going on with your own eyes and then now we will start talking about who deserve respect.

I do not want go back and forth argue with nobody I'm all about my dear sweet country; enough is enough.

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Marleine says...

Peut importe m'ap toujou dit Preval si'l te gen respe pou Peyi nou e li te fe sa'l pou te fe
Nou ta gen Respe pou li.

Il y a Beaucoup d'haitien professionels qui vivent a

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Marise Leon says...

See, Preval not President or Mr. Preval.

How do we want the politicians to respect us when we do not give them respect.

In any other country even if the people are madly upset with their leader they always address him by his title.

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Marleine says...

Se Konyea Preval

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Max Mills says...

Ronald my dear friend today your comments have really moved me in a great significant ways.The first thing came to my mind " Great men think alike " Never forget my friend we are children of God, were made on his image.

Therefore we can do and achieve great things in our lives.God Had visions that is why He created the whole universe in six days. He Had visions and executed them so let us dream together for our beautiful land we call ours. We can do it, we can make our voices be heard now .David in the bible was a shepherd not a great scholar yet God chose him and inspired him and he became the greatest king among the great.You and i can make a great difference.

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Patricia says...

Max; what negative things I said about Preval that will bring violence?

that he needs to repent and ask God for forgiveness well if is that case get use to it, because I will always use my voice for the unheard.

Enough is enough Haiti can not goes on like that anymore.

God bless

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Max Mills says...

Dear Patricia
I am deeply sorry that you feel that way, up to now i can feel your frustration towards Preval.

Even in the bible God shows us there were some weak Kings and some strong ones also.The bad has reached to his end, let us not allow our anger to do and later we regret.

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