Haiti is a Great Place to Invest, Laurent Lamothe tells them...

I just read a great article on a Trinidad and Tobago newspaper about how Laurent Lamothe is promoting Haiti as "a great place to invest" and it got me all EXITED... Read this...

Laurent Lamothe, our new Haitian Minister of Foreign Affairs says...

"HAITI is now a great place to invest, trade with, or help rebuild... I have some good news to tell you about Haiti, and about the future prospects of doing business there and investing there...

Now is a very good time... to come and take a look at these investment opportunities that we have..

We are very, very serious about pushing Haiti as an investment destination...

A turning point in the Haiti investment climate

Today, since March 20 this year we have had the most pro-business administrations in the history of Haiti...

  • We have a younger profile in government.
  • Most of the people in the administration are young, and highly qualified.
  • Most of them have their MBAs,
  • most of them understand in business what it takes to succeed, and
  • [most of them understand] what it takes to attract investors and keep investors...

So in terms of the politics of it, the government understands what it takes for business to come... We feel that with the emergence of this new government, as far as we're concerned, we are probably one of the most stable political systems now...

The political climate has been very stable, and will be for the foreseeable future

We are not asking for handouts any more;
what we want is investments..."

Oh Yeah... BOLD... PRECISE... To the point...

A+ for Laurent Lamothe...

When I finally meet with you, I wand to shake your hands brother... This is the message that we need to get out there... And it's about time!

This is one of the most interesting articles I've read in years about my beloved Haiti cherie.

Read the entire article, Haiti is open for business, by Sean Douglas and of course...

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Jjjjadrin says...

Mon cher Jean Pierre, I strongly believe that you are a good or excellent human being.

You have a great heart and it's speaking for you.
About your suggestion, it is suicidal.

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Marjorie Middy says...

Jean Pierre, dignity, prestige and integrity are no more Haiti's attributes than it is the attributes of other countries.

21st century men and women have been alienated to the point of making these words: dignity, integrity and prestige pointless.

However, a system that makes people behave or else is of utmost importance.

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Marjorie Middy says...

one, respe pou wou tou Monel.

Bill Clinton no matter how much he could or he would do for Haiti can never qualify him to be president of Haiti.

On the other hand, Michel Martelly was born in Haiti and at least has one parent who is natif natal is a totally different story.

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Haiti is an overweight country when its come to corruptions, period.

Dignity is no more, principal is no more, patriotic is no more, prestige is no more, discernment and the value of integrity is no more.

Marjorie Middy, Haiti is a disengage country even in the basic way of human life and behavior.

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Monel says...

One respe pou wou bel fanm !
Marjorie middy, do you think if Bill Clinton was done a good job in Haiti, he could be president.

I don't think so, my answer is no matter what anybody can do better for Haiti, if they have another nationality, we cannot accept a foreign citizen as president this country.they could do so, if our constitution allowed

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Marjorie Middy says...

Haiti is not ready for business, granted.

But if we don't collaborate to help with corruption and the political stabilization of the country, Haiti will never be ready to open up its door for business.

Michel Martelly has already been elected president of the country, why do we have to be bothered about his multiple nationalities or the lack thereof for that matter.

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

I believe you should expose these people by spreading their names around.

Don't give up without a fight.

It will takes time.
Haiti need cleaning of these parasites.

Believe me, if you cap only one, the rest will stay away from

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Bernadette says...

Tiba, where have you been, my friend?

I have been preaching exactly what you said for months now; except that airports and national roads or high ways normally are built by governments as you said. But smaller roads leading to highways can be built by private citizens.

Yes, I am not as courageous as you are. I got as far as the Dominican Republic but did not have the stomach yet to make it to Haiti.

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Tiba says...


I hear you but it's not that simple! I just got back from Haiti last month from a 2-week vacation and I can tell you that I cannot repeat what I saw.

We can live in denial all we want or just continue to make a big fool of ourselves to the rest of the world.

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