Ricard Pierre

Delicate chairs of Haiti's prestigious senate destroyed by the opposition Senators

Delicate chairs of Haiti's prestigious senate destroyed by the opposition Senators

When opposition senators in Haiti are the minority and they want to block the ratification session of a Prime Minister, they kick and scream and break things up.

Look... Delicate chairs of Haiti's prestigious senate destroyed by the opposition Senators tying to prevent the ratification session of a Haitian Prime Minister

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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Senator Ricard Pierre and Don Kato drag a Senate desk outside to prevent ratification session of PM Lapin

Senator Ricard Pierre and Don Kato drag a Senate desk outside to prevent ratification session of PM Lapin

The Senate of the Republic of Haiti has been completely destroyed by a group of 4 Senators of the opposition Thursday Morning, 30 May 2019, in attempt to prevent the ratification session of Prime Minister Jean Michel Lapin and his government

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE tout bagay net nan Chanm Sena a

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE tout bagay net nan Chanm Sena a

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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Haitian senate floor destroyed by 4 opposition Senators, all furnitures put outsides

Haitian senate floor destroyed by 4 opposition Senators, all furnitures put outsides

Tables broken, chairs broken and piled outside, microphones ripped off. all in an attempt to stop a ratification process which was supposed to begin at 8am Thursday.

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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The yard at Haiti's Parliament, furnitures scattered all over the place!

The yard at Haiti's Parliament, furnitures scattered all over the place!

The Senate of the Republic of Haiti has been completely destroyed by a group of 4 Senators of the opposition Thursday Morning, 30 May 2019, in attempt to prevent the ratification session of Prime Minister Jean Michel Lapin and his government

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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All the Haiti Senate funitures lay outside in the yard, opposition senators took them out to block PM ratification

All the Haiti Senate funitures lay outside in the yard, opposition senators took them out to block PM ratification

Haitian Opposition Senators removed all the furnitures from the Senate in order to prevent the ratification of Prime Minister Jean Michel Lapin.

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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Opposition Senators Don Kato and Ricard Pierre removing electronic devices from the Senate

Opposition Senators Don Kato and Ricard Pierre removing electronic devices from the Senate

Look at this photo... Haitian Opposition Senator Antonio Cheramy, alias Don Kato and Senator Ricard Pierre are removing electronic devices from the Senate in order to prevent the ratification of PM Jean Michel Lapin

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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Haiti's Senate furniture lay outside in the yard after 4 opposition senators ransacked the place

Haiti's Senate furniture lay outside in the yard after 4 opposition senators ransacked the place

Look at this photo... Haiti's Senate furniture lay outside in the yard of the parliament building after 4 opposition senators ransacked the place.

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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Haitian senate floor destroyed by 4 opposition Senators

Haitian senate floor destroyed by 4 opposition Senators

4 Senatè Oposition yo KRAZE depi se sa ki genyen andedan Chanm Sena a pou seyans ratification Jean Michel Lapin an pa fèt jounen Jeudi 30 Mai 2019 la.

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Haiti Opposition senators stand guard inside the parliament building

Haiti Opposition senators stand guard inside the parliament building

Look at this photo... Haitian senators of the opposition stand guard inside the parliament building prior the announced ratification session of Prime Minister Fritz William Michel.

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