The Haitian Armed Forces - Les Forces Armées d'Haiti

The Haitian Armed Forces - Les Forces Armées d'Haiti

Look at this photo... The Haitian armed forces gather in Cap-Haitien to celebrate Haitian army day and to commemorate the 214th anniversary of the Battle of Vertieres for the first time in 22 years since the army was disbanded.

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If Jean Jacques Dessalines, Petion, Christophe, and Toussaint were waiting for a green light from the international community there would never be a Vertieres, says Lucien Jura, porte parole of the Presidency.

Read: If Jean Jacques Dessalines waited for a green light from the international community, Vertieres would never happen, Lucien Jura says

Read more about Haitian Military, Haitian Armed Forces, Les Forces Armées d'Haiti - FAD'H, Haiti Politique Photos

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