Haitian Politicians Photos & Images - Haiti Politics

See photos and images of Haitian politicians and read news articles related to each Haitian politician. See images of Haitian senators, deputes, presidents and more. Belpolitik is a Haitian political website that offers news, topics and discussions about Haitian politics.

Helen Meagher La Lime - Head of MINUJUSTH in Haiti

Helen Meagher La Lime - Head of MINUJUSTH in Haiti

Look at this photo... Helen Meagher La Lime, new Head of the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH).

Helen Meagher La Lime replaced Susan D. Page.

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President Jovenel Moise - Bullseye (target)

President Jovenel Moise - Bullseye (target)

Is Haitian president Jovenel Moise's life in danger for fighting against corruption in Haiti? Some people think so.

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Andris Riche, former Senator, Political advisor to President Jovenel

Andris Riche, former Senator, Political advisor to President Jovenel

Here is a photo of former Haitian Senator Andris Riche, political advisor to President Jovenel Moise, during an television interview on Tele Metropole in August 2018

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Laurent Lamothe Invitation - Parquet de Port-au-Prince

Laurent Lamothe Invitation - Parquet de Port-au-Prince

Here is a letter form Commissaire du gouvernement Ocname-Clame Daméus inviting former prime minister Laurent Salvador Lamothe to Parquet de Port-au-Prince.

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Haiti: Le Moniteur arrêté en date du 22 octobre 2018

Haiti: Le Moniteur arrêté en date du 22 octobre 2018

Palais National Haiti -- Dans un arrêté en date du 22 octobre 2018, le président Jovenel Moïse annonce faire choix de monsieur Nahomme Dorvil comme nouveau directeur de son cabinet particulier. Dorvil remplace Wilson Laleau. Monsieur Jean Hilbert Lebrun devient le nouveau secrétaire général de la présidence en remplacement de Yves Germain Joseph.

Les décrets nommant les conseillers spéciaux Ardouin Zéphirin, Guichard Doré, Christine Coupet Jacques, Liné Balthazar, Marie Esther Antoine, Reynold Georges, Enold Joseph, Gerd Pasquet, Jose Joseph Daniel, Erns Excéus ont été rapporté et pour le moment ils ne sont pas remplacés. Le nouveau directeur de cabinet pourra en rappeler certains dans son équipe.

Les conseillers Jean Renel Sanon, Everson Calixte, Guy Michel Vincent, Andris Riché, Georges Stanley Lucas, Lucien Jura ont été aussi demis de leurs fonctions.

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Garcia Delva - Singer, Songwriter, Senator of the Republic of Haiti

Garcia Delva - Singer, Songwriter, Senator of the Republic of Haiti

Here is a photo of the talented Garcia Delva - Singer, Songwriter and Senator of the Republic of Haiti.

Senator Garcia Delva, often callde Gracia Delva, is a two-time Depute of Marchand- Dessaline and Senator of the Artibonite department of Haiti.

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Senateur Beauplan pare pou bat bravo pou President Jovenel Moise

Senateur Beauplan pare pou bat bravo pou President Jovenel Moise

Haitian opposition senator Evaliere Beauplan said he will have the courage to cheer for the president Jovenel Moise if he has to bring to justice those in his entourage who have their hands dirty in PetroCaribe money.

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Depute Gary Bodeau Tweet: Dossier PetroCaribe - Time to fire some government officials

Depute Gary Bodeau Tweet: Dossier PetroCaribe - Time to fire some government officials

La nécessité de faire la lumière sur l'utilisation des fonds PetroCaribe est aujourd'hui unanime. Et pour passer de la parole aux actes,des démissions et/ou révocations de personnes indexées dans cette affaire qui sont au sein de l'appareil d'Etat s'avèrent nécessaires.

The need to shed light on the use of PetroCaribe funds is now unanimous. And to move from words to deeds, resignations and / or revocations of people indexed in this case who are within the state apparatus are necessary.

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