L W - Haitian Politics Blog

Topic and comments posted by L W
(Page 7 of 7)

The election should be delayed,if notwill kill many people than...

The election should be delayed,if notwill kill many people than it already did.Then we have a president who doesn't really know how to govern a... more »

I hope she is ok. She is a good woman. But like McCain here in...

I hope she is ok. She is a good woman. But like McCain here in the states. She's past her time to become president. She's 70 years old. Haiti needs... more »

Je pense que Mirlande H.Manigat est une grande femme en mati

Je pense que Mirlande H.Manigat est une grande femme en mati more »

Jj lsm, that was very well said, and I do agree with all of it...

Jj lsm, that was very well said, and I do agree with all of it. However, I advise caution, because when you state that we need someone who will... more »

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