Senator Desras Simon Dieuseul - This guy must be joking LOL...

Aly - May 26 2014, 9:37 AM


This guy must be joking, lol...

which person who is honest and is in their right mind would want to associate with those crooks who have maintained the country in such political mess that they've created over a long period of time.

It is said, "Parmi les aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"; about the situation in Haiti, c'est le cas de dire, in a corrupt system, the more corrupt is king; amongst evil minds/humans, the most wicked is king; se bouk ki mennen bouk; lupus homo lupus; in other words, in the world of evil and darkness -literally lol- Satan reigns,

But, - a big BUT - Si mon peuple sur qui est invoqué mon nom s'humilie, prie et cherche ma face, et s'il se détourne de ses mauvaises voies, Je l'exaucerai des cieux, Je lui pardonnerai son péché, et Je guérirai son pays".

- Ref. 2 Chroniques 7:14
Alas! ...Hélas! ...Elas, las koupe las!

----Lord, have mercy!

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