60 Mexican narco-traffickers operate between Dominican Republic and Haiti,

Agent-x - June 6 2012, 4:47 PM

According to acento-com-do on 4 June 2012, Sixty Mexican drug traffickers living in the Dominican Republic and Haiti
Ten of the drug traffickers have been arrested and handed over for extradition to the United States authorities
June 4, 2012
Julian Herrera / Acento.com.do
Sixty Mexican drug traffickers living in the Dominican Republic and Haiti Drugs seized by the DEA. Acento.com.do / File
see Social Accent

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic.

- The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA for its acronym in English) provided to the Dominican authorities the names of 60 alleged Mexican drug traffickers who are operating between the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

The drug lords would be designed according to the DEA operation maintain a corridor of drugs into Puerto Rico and Europe through the Caribbean, supported cartel of Sinaloa (Mexico).

The National Drug Control (DNCD) has captured ten of the searches, 7 of which were handed over for extradition to the U.S. authorities, who accuse them of being linked directly to drug lord El Chapo Guzman, head of that cartel.

The DEA provided information that allowed the arrest of Alvarado Torres, Chavez Ramirez, Luis Fernando Castillo Bertulucci (Captain King), Marwan Chebli Chebli, Leonel G

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