Monel, the first types you describe on Martelly blog are...

Agent-x - December 19 2011, 4:29 AM

Monel, the first types you describe on Martelly blog are already moving to belpolitik or mazzorapolitik as economic refugees.

Martelly did not give them job despite of their outright flattery to him..

If you are not semi-white, Martelly will not hire you because he runs a mulatocracy.

Those flatters simply changed their names or are staying on the quiet side.
The last guy you mentioned is known as baboon A-2539.

This baboon is an infra-human with an IQ between 9 ~ 11 From time to time he manages to escape from his cage causing outrageous damages for this blog community.

His name is Jean Pierre Alexandre.

I am trying to raise his IQ since last year but his progress has been slow. To manages his periodic outbursts of expletives,:Agent-X placed him on a regimen of bromide sometime on Librium, sometimes on promethazine, or ziprasidone If he continues to shows his outright vulgarities on the blog Agent-X will have him undergoes a brain surgery to modify and rearrange his neurons.

Refers to the links below for what Agent-X already said about him.

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I move from Martely blog to BEL POLITIK.COM for many...


Why so many bloggers moved from Martelly blog to Mazzorapolitik?

Why so many bloggers moved from Martelly blog to Belpolitik? This is a good question. [" Meaning anything in the...

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