Couple years ago, i decided to come back in Haiti to invest...

Estinfil - December 16 2011, 7:33 AM

Couple years ago, i decided to come back in Haiti to invest into the real estate business, Since i have a lot of experiences from doing it in the state, and also a lot of experiences in the Hotel business in the state.

i decided to invest my knowledge and my experiences with my brothers and sisters in Haiti.let me tell you i didn't regret it at all, i am so glad i did. Now i have 6 staffs members in the team, job creation, i enjoyed good life every day, anpil poisson anpil lambi, langouste fe micalaw, i just purchase a nice plage that i am thinkinb to build a bel tikay sou plage.

I am glad i made the move. An nou retounin lakay nou, vinn investi vinn ede peuple nou ki bezwin nou anpil.

Vive Haiti cherie.

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