I know exactly what I'm talking about because I am not a C N A...

Richelle - March 4 2011, 8:12 PM

I know exactly what I'm talking about because I am not a C N A like you.u say you are a "prfessional"professional my butt. If you have a bone to pick you pike a wrong one to pick that bone. I see u looking for trouble with almost everybody on this blog, lady I can lower myself in your level to put your ass where its belong.

I do not want to get nasty here with nobody but dealing with someone like your I will have to just bring it on let start.

Se trop koudba vagabon yo bay kifet ou anraje vagabon:mexican, haitian,african american, jamaican...ou gin problem mental yo fe ou trop. se sak fet ou pa konin sa wap ecrit wap di kaka sou moun. If you do not have nothing better to do with your miserable life just stick your fingers between your legs to remove debris those guys left inside of u you have no shame of yourself.

ou gen mentalite restavek, ou pakon hont pagin kay ticrab isit oubien kay gro manman pou ale, kontinie ale nen C N A ou agi tankou moun boper creve avek duet ou gen raj.ou agi tonkou moun ki fini gaspie tan jenes li nen bouzin konnie ya li konmense rentre nen gromoun lipaka travail pou li achte neg enko li anrage ebien ou pap ka pase raj la sou oukin moun nen blog sa tovay retrove epy map ten ou.

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Everyone knows that age is one of factors of...


mirlande pour president

Mirlande manigat a perdu toute sa lucidite.elle a deja 75 ans l,age de retraite.Bonne retraite madame.

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