Hum, hum, hum, hum! Richelle my Richelle don't lower yourself...
Hum, hum, hum, hum! Richelle my Richelle don't lower yourself sister to that level.
What about self control.
Those who are stronger must accompany the weak. You are called to train younger uneducated "nurses aides", help the CNA to a higher level.
Micky did his thing, Mirlande hers at different levet of course.
We are entitle to our passion for our candidate but to a certain limit.
For God's sake and your family don't continue on that road. That's not right Richelle, pls stop cursing I want to continue to look at you as a LADY. Have a nice weekend.
Peace & love to you all
Response to:
I know exactly what I'm talking about because I am...
Mirlande manigat a perdu toute sa lucidite.elle a deja 75 ans l,age de retraite.Bonne retraite madame.