Message 23904

The following are replies to Message 23904.

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Marjorie Hilas Lamour says...

I think that Myrlande Manigat will be the best choice. She is smart. It will be a good thing to have her on board.It's time for the haitian people... more »

Arthur Krensky says...

Dear Ms. Lamour: I read with considerable interest your brief but positive statement re: Mirlande Manigat Unfortunately, it was the only... more »

Lucy says...

You have my vote Mirlande more »

Pierrot Lafleur says...

She can be the best president for Haiti. If she could get chance to take the power, but I wonder if the fraude will let her to pass. more »

Dr Antonio M Pinchinat says...

Madame Manigat kinbe force pour entrer au PALAIS NATIONAL d'HAITI more »

Sousbery says...

I agree with you. She needs to sell herself to the Haitian people. she needs to come up with her background education, so we can know her capacity... more »

Edouard Pamphile says...

i wish you good luck running as president in haiti.5 years ago if your husband was president haiti wouldnt be in the conditions they are today. you... more »

Edouard Pamphile says...

i wish you good luck running as president in haiti.5 years ago if your husband was president haiti wouldnt be in the conditions they are today. you... more »

Saintil Andre says...

Milande Manigat she is the good choice for Haiti more »

Betina Jeanmary says...

As a woman myself I'm always proud to see a woman in the presidency race. I would like to know what your objective plans for haiti in term of... more »