What happened to Mirlande Manigat?

Radio Caraibes is saying that something happened to candidate Mirlande Manigat over the weekend or that she has some problems with her campaign. Is it unclear what is wrong or what problems she is confronting.

Have you heard anything?

We went to her political party's we site (RDNPHaiti.org) but nothing has been posted except for the fatc that she was in Guyana earlier this month.

Do you know what is going on with Mirlande Manigat or her campaign?

Let us know if you do

Reply with your comments.

If we know more we will update this article

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Daniel Bertrand says...

je pense que le choix qui sera fait autour de Madame Manigat comme etant le chef de la nation sera un choix eclaire.

Il est tant pour que nos freres et soeurs haitiens fassent un choix qui peut conduire le pays au bon port. je suis sur que nous sommes sur la bonne piste et j'espere que nous y arriverons sans aucun proobleme.

she is the best candidate in the race. she is a well- educated woman, very understanding, and also she is the one who can put haitian people together for the good of the country.

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Jean says...

I think we should have some great presidential debates with some good questions to see which candidate who has the best plan for the future of the country.Sometimes, age is just a number but great ideas are the king. I do not really know any of these candidates, I do not what they have been doing, that is why we should question all of them. Also I do not see any of them using the internet (the king of informations) to publish their plan. It seems everybody does not grasp the concept of the new era, it is already a big problem.

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Tiba says...

As of now, no one has fully articulated clearly why Mirlande Manigat would be an effective president for Haiti.

Being a GOOD woman/person doesn't qualify somebody to be a good leader.

Second, not disrespect intended but The National Palace is NOT a nursing home for senior citizens.

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Pour Mon Pays says...

Elle est une femme qui est qualifie et fera un president eclairer.

I will vote for

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Jean C Adrien says...

Myrlande Manigat is not too old to become the next President of Haiti.

This is Haiti last chance to have a "President", not just someone in power.

We made crucial mistakes electing people who did not know anything about politic.

Now it is time to think

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Love Haiti says...

I hope she is ok. She is a good woman.

But like McCain here in the states.

She's past her time to become president.

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Love Haiti says...

I hope she is ok. She is a good woman.

But like McCain here in the states.

She's past her time to become president.

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Leroy Westimable says...

Je pense que Mirlande H. Manigat est une grande femme en

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Negbelair says...

Her car caught on fire. Now they are saying the car may have broken down or had an electrical glitch and some are speculating sabotage.

As of now an investigation is being conducted to determine the cause of the fire. They are not saying whether she's ok or not at this time. I'll keep you posted if I hear anything

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Dada says...

If a woman as prominent as her in society goes out of her country especially if she is a candidate, it is the rite of those responsile to her to ensure her saftey.

You cannnot just start asking if anyone knows what happened to her. Wake up people this is your

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