FLASH: USA says YES to 2nd Round Haiti Elections - Jovenel Moise vs. Jude Celestin

Haiti Elections Update -- The United States supports the second round presidential elections between candidates Jovenel Moise (PHTK) and Jude Celestin (LAPEH) scheduled for 27 December 2015, according to a tweet from the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince...

Haiti Candidates Jovenel Moise vs Jude Celestin - USA Tweet
Haiti Candidates Jovenel Moise vs Jude Celestin - USA Tweet

10:37 AM - 6 Nov 2015, US Embassy Haiti tweets:

"Les USA supportent le second tour des élections présidentielles le 27 Dec. @moisejovenel @JCelestin2016"

The funny thing is Jude Celestin tweeted on the same day: "We do not need consolation prize! We want the vote of the people to be respected... Not exactly a" "Yes-I-want-to-go-to-a-2nd-round" statement, is it?

Many people believe once the United States has spoken in the affairs of Haitian politics, what is said is set in stone... will that be the case this time???

What do you think about that?

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Marian Noel says...

Winter is coming.

It is time for tourists to hibernate in Haiti.

Build hotels, restaurants, rehabilitation centers, nightclubs in every department to develop tourism in Haiti.

Stop complaining about election results.

Go back to work. Become the president of your own hotel chain, restaurant chain, laundromat chain, supermarket chain, payless shoes store chain, clothing stores, furniture store etc. Create jobs for the Haitian people, Rebuild Haiti.

Stop complaining about election

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Sesalbay says...

Kenbe la Jude, nou granmoun tèt nou, nou granmoun nèt, nou pa'p janm ret ak moun

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Sesalbay says...

Kenbe la Jude, nou granmoun tèt nou, nou granmoun nèt, nou pa'p janm ret ak moun

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Jeffry says...

I don't know what's gonna happen later but I love the JC reaction he makes the gouvernement and whoever is supporting PHTK frauds and corruption to the 25th October presidential election he does not needs no consolation prize that's what's up he makes the nation feel like his not fighting for himself or his family but his fighting for a new Haiti with a new leadership.

whenever you be come Haitian you'll feel that

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Jeffry says...

I don't know what's gonna happen later but I love the JC reaction he makes the gouvernement and whoever is supporting PHTK frauds and corruption to the 25th October presidential election he does not needs no consolation prize that's what's up he makes the nation feel like his not fighting for himself or his family but his fighting for a new Haiti with a new leadership.

whenever you be come Haitian you'll feel that

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Jeffry says...

I don't know what's gonna happen later but I love the JC reaction he makes the gouvernement and whoever is supporting PHTK frauds and corruption to the 25th October presidential election he does not needs no consolation prize that's what's up he makes the nation feel like his not fighting for himself or his family but his fighting for a new Haiti with a new leadership.

whenever you be come Haitian you'll feel that

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Emmanuel says...

Bon finalman,

eske nou vle endepandan vre oubyen lè sa bon nou prè pou niche bòt

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Cheria says...

ti jude konnen byen pwop li pat popile 2010 et li pa pli popile ane 2015 lan....li pe neg bannan nan...se pouvwa li vle..

poukisa li pat konteste rezilta yo nomalman mem jan avek narcissi?

paske misye pa konnen si you komanse cheche twop la, yap dekouvri se yon faveur yo fel pou bali 2ieme plas paske Jovenel Moise te genyen depi premye tou!

pwoblem pap janm

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Bodeler Declasse says...

"Vox populi, vox Dei".So the people has decided according to a manifest resolve, so his decision must be

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Shime Leroy says...

chien di gade pa trop e bien nap gade commen ca pral

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