Venezuela Haiti Relations

All news about Venezuela Haiti Relations, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Venezuela Haiti Relations


FLASH: Haiti votes against Venezuela in OAS Meeting regarding President Maduro's re-election

At an OAS Permanent Council meeting Thursday, Haiti and 18 other countries voted a resolution that does not recognize the second term of President Nicolas Maduro as head of Venezuela. more »

Haiti abstains on vote to suspend Venezuela's OEA Membership - Trump will not be happy!

Despite pressure from the United States, Haiti was one of 11 countries who abstained on the vote to suspend Venezuela's membership from the Organization of American States (OAS/OEA). more »

Haiti not invited to a US White House cocktail reception because of Venezuela...

The government of Haiti was not invited to a special White House reception Monday night. Apparently, the cocktail party was for "like-minded" governments who are standing with the United States in a call to suspend Venezuela from the Organization of American States, the Miami Herald said. more »