Francois Anick Joseph

All news about Francois Anick Joseph, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Francois Anick Joseph


Haiti - Senator Francois Anick Joseph wants CEP President Arrested

Haiti Elections Update - The only thing that will satisfy Senator Francois Anick Joseph is the arrest of Elecoral Council (CEP) president Pierre Louis Opont for having held an election the Senator calls "une mascarade". more »

Haiti - Madanm Senate Francois Anick Joseph Mouri

Nouvel Tris... Haiti - Senateur Francois Anick Joseph en deuil jounen jodi a... Madan Senatè fek mouri dapre nouvel ki tonbe... Kondoleans Senatè Joseph... more »

Haiti - Police Chief Godson Orelus NO SHOW in front of Senate Justice and Security commission upsets many

Haitian police chief Godson Orelus was supposed to present himself in front of the Senate Justice and Security commission Wednesday 04 Nov 2014... The chief of police did not show up... The senators are pissed off... more »