Photo: Sweet Micky, On Foot, Campaigning at the NYC Labor Day Parade 2010

We have just received a photo of Haitian presidential candidate Michel Martelly aka Sweet Micky campaigning at the West Indian Labor Day Parade 2010.

Right behind him is Fugees Rapper Pras Michel.

We've been told that they are on foot and sweet micky is metting and greeting the crowd; a bold campaign move by singer turned politician Michel Martelly.

Usually Sweet micky is on top of a float with the crows below chanting and dancing but today he is wearing a suit and is on the ground...

Sweet Micky has been very silent since for the past couple of weeks since the final list of candidates have been released by Haiti's Electoral council (CEP)


How do you feel about this move by Sweet Micky to campaign at the Labor Day parade in Brooklyn NY???

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Thank you Carnegie Labatte ( for the photos

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Lena says...

i am going to haiti to vote michel martelly for president he loves is country he knows all haiti problem give him a chance he can be a good president try

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Yves Binbin says...

The haitian people elected CAVE MAN PREVAL not once
but twice.Are we naive, simple,stupid or just dumb?

Sweet made his money by showing what his mother gave
him, his ass.We shouldn't be talking about Marie Michelle Martelly running for presidency, the tought of it makes me sick. Haiti nan

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Lourdes says...

I dont personally know Mr Martelly, but only through his music and the many interviews that are on the web. I came to the conclusion that this guy might be what Haiti need. Since 1986 when Baby Doc left, Haiti has known many intellect that helped her arrived at this level because of greed.

I see in Michel martelly a patriot with lots of love for the country.

As an artist did he do and said raw things, yes that was what his fans wanted and that is how he made his money.

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Betty Jean says...

I have to be a little sensitive about Sweet Micky I'm a fan of he's. He's a fun artist and love his country however I think Micky needs to continue makes us laugh with his music.

I don't see him as a model for

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Zap Zap says...

please give MICHEL a chance he now realizes the entire world is watching him and also the corrupted haitian govt. hemight be doing a good job u never know he made mistake oh yeah he knows this was in the past and it was all about business let see the future now.he has the poor and the whealthy behind him i think he will do great.

remember the whole world knows and will keep an eye on him
please for the sake of the people give him a

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Sergo Jean says...

kandida sa ge le pa konn sa lap se New York la le. Haitien ki aletranje yo pa ka vote, si yon mounn gen pou fe kanpay se pou ale an deyo bene Jacmel kote paran ou te soti. apran moute bourik avek mulet pou ka al deye vot.Neg sa yo toujou mete nan tet yo se blan ki bay pouvoi.kom se yon bagay yo eritie depi tan la coloni franse yo. kandida sa yo map di nou bagay yo chanje sou nou san nou pawe sa. paske nou aveg. se pep ki bay pouvoi tineg nwe we kounye ya.menn jan avek blan blan e nwe blan. eseye chanje kandida we pep, lo fini we pep blan ap vinn deye ou paske wap ka pale avek pep epi mouche blan ki gen kob ap vinn fe biznis avek ou, li bezwen peyi pou li mete biznis poul ka peye men ouvriye pou bon mache.

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Roro says...

hello everyone, sweet mikey is a nice guy but to be president you need to have moral and need to think aboout the consequences.

like the proverb say" if you cant do the time dont do the crime" sweet mikey did not think about the moral part by say all these durty words and by showed his "ass" in peoples face. now his paying back the society by cant be president now that would his consequences.

im sorry for him because the same place he was showing his ass on top of the truck that the same place his marching for president for me thats a no no. his lesson would be for thee generation who are thinking about thir futur always think before you act because the consequence always more expensive or always cost more for any little stupid thing.

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Andy says...

Anyway let him take his chance .Avan yon moun poze kandida pou Prezidan, I would like to know si yo pa tcheke le passe

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Leo says...

candidat Michele martelly discussed several issues that impair the devellopement of Haiti:reduce crimes and held managers accountable for their functions, provide education for all and required kids to go to shool, create several health clinic for the people who can not afford, enforce sanitation code to kept the country clean, have emmergency teams that are trained to responded to emmergency to helps the people, fight corruption at all level.

unify the country as one haiti for the nation.

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Mikaela says...

I think that Haiti needs somene who really cares and is smart as well to be Haiti's president, and Michel is all that. His past is his, only his present intentions

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