King Kino Endorses Mirlande Manigat, Also Supports Aristide's Return

VIDEO - In a rare interview given to Tele Image in NY, Haitian music star Lord Kinomorsa Divers aka King Kino, explains why he endorsed Mirlande Manigat for president and not Michel Martelly. He also supports the return of ex-president Aristide in Haiti... Listen to the interview and give us your opinion...

Watch the videos...

First King Kino sing his endorsment song 'Banm Manmanm' (Give me my mother -- Mirlande Manigat)

Then... King Kino explains in details that, although he has more to gain

Here it is... Artist Kino Talks About Manigat & Martelly Part # 1

Part 2... Artist King Kino Talks About Presidential Candidate Michel Martelly, and Pras

Part 3... King Kino Talks About Why He Endorse Manigat And Aristide's Return To Haiti.

Kino says, he has more to gain by endorsing Michel Martelly but why does he endorse Mirlande Manigat? Watch the video and find out...

Part 4... Kino Talks About The Elections On Sunday And Forgives Michel Martelly...


Now that you watch the video I have a question for you:

The artist 'Sweet Micky' and the artist 'King Kino' have not been friends in their music career. Do you think Kino is endorsing Mirlande Manigat to get back at Michel Martelly or do you believe his argument is justified?

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Buttkay says...

kino al lave

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Valerio says...

Sa selman mkonin se ke Michel Martelly pap jem prezidan

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Fesesizman says...

mpadi li gin pinez nan tet li non mdi li gin bed bugs ki se

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Gggg At says...

Mwin trouvew freken king kino pagin pinez nan tel li

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Valerio says...

How dare you. I want you to know that Madame Mirlande Manigat will be the next President of

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King Kino says...

Pa jem bliye ke se mwen mem ki diw sa


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Coeuyapbat Fesizsman says...

Tout Moun Relax Rete Tet Fret Pa Kite Yo Chofe Tet Nou

The Unofficial Election Result sFrom The 3/20/11 Vote
Stanley Lucas: Haiti

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Valerio says...

Can Someone Contact King Kino And Tell Him That Praz Is Looking For A

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King Tata says...

Any beg bugs in there buddy.

I mean in your skull for crying out

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Jessica says...

Video Of Sweet Micky Will Be Released On Youtube On Mar 31st

CNN BREAKING NEWS: Monday March 28, 2011 / 09:45:08 EST Internation News
According to Teleimage a Video of Sweet Micky raping Mirlande have just been located in Preval Office, will be released simultaneously in Youtube and Teleimage of Haiti.

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