Haiti Transition 2016 - The PERFECT Plan... Read this...

HERE is the Perfect PLAN for Haiti After Martelly: 01 Feb, Search for a new prime minister, form an electoral council. 02 Feb, National Assembly, 50th Legislature officially opens, new prime minister is officially designated... But Wait... There's more..

03 Feb, both chambers of parliament approve the choice of the new minister...

04 Feb, the new government is installed and all members of a new Electoral Council (CEP) swear in...

07 Feb, another National Assembly, now there is a presidential vacuum, the new prime minister take full charge of all the affairs of the state.

8 Feb, the new head of state (the new prime minister) is installed, the Council of Ministers (le Conseil des ministres) manages the country's affairs for the duration of the presidential vacancy.

And they live happily ever after!!!

Note: This is not wishful thinking... This is the EXACT plan by Presidents Michel Martelly, Jocelerme Privert and Cholzer Chancy to save Haiti out of this political chaos...

Also read: Haiti Transition - PM Evans Paul was supposed to Resign Saturday 30 Jan

What do you think about that?

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Rpt says...

Meme Manigat and Laurent Lamothe for

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Hen says...

They are all a bounch of fools may God excluded the devil have mecry on their

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Shime says...

haitien ap toujours trouver on bagaille pou yo di yo ce on eternel

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Jacques says...

Let the G8 make the

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Serge Desrameaux says...

That should be a very good deal. However, the g8 proposition is good

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